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This will demonstrate my steps I took to install Proxmox 8.0.3


At this time of writing the latest version is 8.0.3, you can consult their downloads page as this version will change in the future.

Prepare bootable media

First we need to get the Proxmox ISO, which we can retrieve from their downloads page. Once you have downloaded the ISO, you can use tools such as the follwoing to flash your USB device with the Proxmox software:

Once you have flashed your USB device with Proxmox, I've booted my Intel NUCs with them and selected F10 to select that I want to boot from USB.

Steps of Installation

Once you have booted from USB, you should see the following screen:

I will be selecting the "Graphical" installation. Then I will be presented with the end user license agreement, which I went through and accepted by selecting "I agree":

Next we will select the target harddrive that we want to install proxmox on, I have two devices /dev/sda and /dev/sdb, and for proxmox I will select /dev/sda:

Then we need to select our location and time zone:

Next up we need to define our root password and a valid email address:

For the network configuration, if you have more than one network interface, select your network interface, then provide the hostname and network configuration:

Now we will get a summary of our installation, after reviewing that everything is correct we can select "Install":

Then we will see the installation process:

Once the installation process is complete, you can remove the USB media and once you reboot you should see this screen:

After the boot process has complete, you should see the console login screen showing you the address to access the Proxmox Web UI:

When we head over to that address we will be presented a certificate warning:

Which we can accept as its a self-signed certificate that is issued by Proxmox. We do that by selecting "Advanced", then "Accept the Risk and Continue":

We will then get the Proxmox VE Login screen:

Once we have successfully authenticated to Proxmox, we should see information about our Proxmox node: